St John's Foundation logo

What makes the House of St John’s different to other work spaces?

At the heart of the House of St John’s, we value community and growth. Our unique spaces foster collaboration, creativity, and personal development, with every feature, from open co-working layouts to curated networking events, designed to inspire individuals and teams to learn, grow, and connect.

This ethos extends further to the community of Bath and the surrounding area. We are passionate about contributing to our wider society to ensure those most vulnerable get the support they need for a fair and equal start in life.

When establishing the House in 2022, our Founders, the St John’s Foundation wanted to introduce a concept to Bath through the creation of a social enterprise that directs its profits to charity.

St John’s work within the local community is driven by their mission to influence change in the lives of those who are affected by stark disparities, inequality, and inequity in their daily lives. Their work is centred around ensuring everyone – from children to older adults – have access to opportunities that allow them to lead happy, healthy lives.

St John’s ambition is to use the Best Start in Life initiative (formally known as the Foundation Fund) to significantly reduce the educational attainment gap (Key Stage 2) in BaNES by 2029. The initiative targets children from pre-birth up to the start of secondary school, providing them with equal and fair opportunity to grow into happy healthy people that can contribute to our communities for generations to come.

Narrowing the inequality gap will help prevent the broad range of complex social issues experienced by children from under-served backgrounds. While equality of access to a good education is critical to reducing inequality, many other factors play a role. St John’s support also addresses the physical, behavioural and emotional needs of children as well as providing access to nutritious food and safe spaces to help ensure the best foundation for learning.

Since our profits are donated to this fantastic charity, that means your memberships, meeting room and events space bookings contribute to their vital work within the BaNES community. Together, we can help children grow and fulfil their full potential, both in school and in life.

St John’s Foundation’s Manifesto Areas:

  • School dinners

    Nutritious food and Safe Spaces

    It is well documented that children who do not have proper meals, particularly breakfast will not perform as well as their peers at school. It is our ambition to support such families who may be unable to provide for their own children.

    Additionally, some children lack a space they feel safe in and cut backs in recent years have only added to the issue. St John’s aims to re-address this by supporting local communities to develop their own hubs.

  • Behavioural support for children

    Professional behavioural and emotional support

    It is now widely recognised now that the development of children’s emotional and behavioural skills is as important for them as traditional reading, writing and counting skills. Best Start in Life wants to take a more holistic approach, making sure all aspects of children’s development are recognised.

  • Learning support for children

    Additional support with foundational reading, writing, oracy and mathematics

    It has been demonstrated that by offering support in childcare and educational settings, every child should be equipped with the skills to leave primary school with the appropriate reading, writing and numeracy skills. Best Start in Life works with experts in these fields to ensure the necessary support is provided.